Smelling Roses

When thinking of what to do next for an artwork, I thought long and hard and decided to give the color pink a try. I decided to pair it with white since the Energizer Bunny is pink and white. I started with two sections of pink and white, and got to work creating the image, not knowing what the outcome will be, but when the outcome was manifested to me, I felt satisfied. When I looked at it more, it reminded me of smelling roses when I was a kid at my home, hence the name Smelling Roses. I did the classic Radial Blur smoothness you see, but started with some frosted glass effects to smooth out the Dents before applying the Radial Blur effect. Not many more effects were used, I did a lot of layer work here more than anything, but I think the outcome was good. What do you think of when you see this image? Do you think of roses too, especially when you look at the swirls in the image? Let me know if you'd like, but I'll have something else up for you here regardless. Enjoy!