Desert Home

It's been about a month since school started, and I'm sure that lot's of people are wanting to stay home and relax after a nice summer vacation. That of course, is not the case for many since school is an important thing since it will help you out later in life. I made this image a while ago, right after Dragon's Breath actually, and wanted to share it with you since I think this is a lovely image depicting my home town. I used Dents and Gravity for the texture of the red and blue mountains, as well as Gaussian blur and gradients for the 3D and shading of the mountains. I then used a lot of layer blend modes to get the texture and colors that I was looking for. I then added the sunset in the sky and darkened the image to show that sunset sort of feel. I hope you enjoy this image, not like most things I do since I make abstracts, but this still life was a cool experience that I may do again. Take care and I'll see you here soon.