Desert Landscape
I have done another competition on the Paint.NET forums, and my wanting to enter was honestly solely on the fact that it was themed on a desert landscape. I love the desert, and have been working on different ways to make stone textures, and I think through trial and error, I have been able to make stone textures fairly well. Not the best, but fairly well. There are others on the Paint.NET forums that are way better than I am, but I try with the effects that I know. Here are the images. The first one is the sig, and the second one is the full image. I drew inspiration from Monument Valley, and it definitely helped stretch me a bit more than I would have had I not done this competition. I haven't really considered doing scenery things when I started, but with dragons, desert pictures, and now this, it's definitely a stretch and I like it. Main effects used were Crystalize, Frosted Glass, Diffuse, Clouds, Fragment, Gaussian Blur, Motion Blur, and Gradient Blocks. Then t...