Embedded Sunshine

I'm happy. So far nearly two years of bringing you guys at least 1 new image per month! When I set out to do this, I thought it would be difficult to accomplish, but it has proven to be a good experience for me to do this. For one thing I get more images out there, and it makes me think on my toes for what other images I can get created. This one I had a bit of help on the title since I didn't know what to call it. It looks like something ancient, but not so at the same time. I had to ask my wife what she thought I could call this, and she made the suggestion of Embedded Sunshine. I used Radial Blur, Glass Vignette, Radial Extruder, Dents, and Polar Inversion for the majority of this image. I also used some blend modes that made the image not too bright with the gold and white colors, but make everything subtle and rustic-like. Not sure how it turned out, but you can decide for yourselves. Enjoy and I'll see you here again soon.