Mystic Rosettes

As you may have noticed, I've only posted one image in January, and here I am on Valentines Day to give you yet another image. I'm a bit bogged down with work and home life taking a greater toll, so I may not be able to do two images each month like I have been. I'll keep you posted on that. This one I wanted to make it look a bit flowery and to make it pink for Valentines Day. I think I accomplished both feats with this image titled Mystic Rosettes. The center is what I started with, mostly making a flower shape out of scribbles. I then did a Gaussian Blur to blur it out a bit, then did a few radial blurs to spread it out a bit. I then did two Polar Inversions to kind of separate them and give it a few inner "pedals" in the center. I then filled in some black with some rose color, and did some more Radial Blur and created the two bigger "pedals" on the outside. Hopefully the wait wasn't too long and that you were excited to see what I had in...