Dedication to Grandpa Oscar

Life has a way of throwing things in our path that can be hard, and while 2020 may have been extremely hard on all of us, it has been harder still for me. I know many of us loose loved ones, and have lost many to COVID-19, other disease, accidents, or just of old age. Now I have lost my grandpa, who is one of the greatest examples to me of humility and greatness in my life. I have many fond memories spending time with him while he was on his laptop visiting, and of the jokes he made while spending time with everyone. He passed due to Multiple Myeloma, a type of blood cancer that spread rapidly, so in memory of him and for the length of time he fought this cancer, I made this in the color of the cancer, burgundy. I started with the burgundy color in the center, and moved it outward using Gaussian Blur, Dents, and Radial Blur. I then added some burgundy to the left and did some more Gaussian Blur and Dents, then duplicated it and flipped it to the right. Then on the right I added w...