Eye of the Beholder

Once again, this is a fractal manipulation that honestly I didn't see as an eye until the last second. I also didn't really know where else to go with this until I saw the eye, then I knew what to do. When I finished it, the title came to my head, and so here I give you Eye of the Beholder. Not much different from the last image, just a bit of Radial Blur for the background, then Polar Inversion for the swirls of the fractal, then I duplicated the Polar Inversion layer, flipped it around, then merged it down. I then duplicated that, then did another Polar Inversion, and blurred the middle with Gaussian Blur where the eye was, added a bit of blue for the iris, and blurred that as well. I then added a glassy look to it and called it good. Layer blend modes used are Overlay, Glow, Lighten, Additive, Color Dodge, Multiply, and Normal in the middle and bottom of the image. Hope you enjoyed, and have a happy Thanksgiving a little later this month.