Wild Fire

This image was an attempt at making something else, but it went down the drain quick. My wife wanted to create something with a desert sort of theme to it with some of the nice swirls I have on my works to put over our bed. As I was working on this, I tried to get that incorporated into the piece, but obviously that didn't seem to happen this time. When I saw the end result, I was a bit upset that it didn't turn out, but at least my creative juices are flowing more than before. Here is my first attempt to make this piece titled Wild Fire. Lots of Gaussian Blur, Dents, and Radial Blur in this image. I had a color palette with a lot of desert themed colors, namely some browns, oranges, reds, and some cream colors that made it into the image, but they got overpowered by the orange and red that came from the layer blend modes I used. I also have the Radial Extruder bit added on the left for some additional texture. Layer blend modes I used are Additive, Multiply, Color Dodge and Li...