Stone Swirls

Here is attempt number 2 at making the wall art I was assigned. This time, I may have gotten it, but that remains to be seen with my wife. I wanted to keep the same color palette, but not make the same mistakes I did in the last image, and I feel like I may have done that this time. This image is titled Stone Swirls. I took a slightly different approach than I usually do with my images, where I took some of the nice colors of the color palette I had and put them on the left and right sides in order of darkest to lightest. I then distorted the crap out of them when I merged them down. Lots of Radial Blur, Gaussian Blur, and some Dents for texture. I then did some Glass Vignette, Polar Inversion, Frosted Glass, Crystalize, and Motion Blur. I also used layer blend modes Multiply, Additive, Lighten, Darken, Screen, and Negation. I hope you have enjoyed this so far, and I hope to have more ideas come by different means other than my brain. Have a good rest of your day everyone!