Mandalorian Helmet

So I'm doing something completely different from what I usually do at this time of year. I just know that The Mandalorian usually comes out at this time of year, and so I decided to make this Mandalorian Helmet. I started out with looking up a picture on Google to see what I could try to base it off of, and I found this one. Once I got it down, I started making a super rough outline of the helmet. Once I got the rough outline done, I knew I could then do some minor adjustments, much like I did with Rocket and Big Jet. I flattened the rough outline, brought the opacity down a bit, and started pretty much from scratch to make the helmet again. Not long after, I got the outline you see below. Now we're getting somewhere! Now I just needed to color it, and shade it. I colored it by selecting the outside with the Magic Wand tool, and on a different layer, filling it with a light gray. I then proceeded to select different parts of the helmet with the Magic Wand, and applying gradien...