Ocean Spray

I’m back with another work, and I’ve been getting inspiration from album artworks on the colors to use since some of them just look nice. This one is no different than Somber Rage in that sense, since I used colors from an album artwork to start with, and by that I mean I used two colors and went from there. After some time, I got the end result called Ocean Spray. I again used colors of an album artwork that I like and have been wanting to use those colors for a while. Again I used the classic effects I typically use which are Gaussian Blur, Dents, and Radial Blur, but then I added a Motion Blur in there. I then also flattened the image, copied it, and added that to a new layer, and did Polar Inversion as well as Tile Reflection. The layer blend modes I used throughout are Additive, Lighten, Color Dodge, and Reflect. Additive and Lighten typically brighten the colors, while Color Dodge brings out some of the brighter sections of the image. Reflect then also dampens the image a bit, so...