Somber Rage

Hey everyone, it’s been a long while since I’ve been on here to post a new image. My personal life has gotten very busy and I had to step away for a while in order to continue to be there for my family. Anyway, I’m sure you’re itching to see the new stuff I’ve been up to, and to start off, here is an image that is the main part of a 4 monitor HD image called Somber Rage. I have a four monitor setup at work now, and I wanted to make an image that covered all four of those, so I got working on that. The image you see above is just a piece of that, but you can see the rest of the pieces below. I started with some colors that I liked from an album artwork of a music group that I like, and went from there. I added color on one side of the image which is the red color, manipulated it greatly until it filled up that side using my classic Gaussian Blur, Dents, and Radial Blur effects, then adding some Radial Extruder and Polar inversion after combining, flattening, and copying the full image t...