New Creations

Wow, it's been a while since I've been on here! Crazy stuff!! But I'm back and actually have two new works to share here! The first one that I have is called Blue Energy Stream, and I can honestly say that I'm proud of it, even though it's simple. All I did was make one background, and just did a ton of effects on it until you see the end result! Blue Energy Stream This next one is actually part of Blue Energy Stream, but I just changed the color and manipulated it more! I can't really figure out a name for it, so I just call it Green Background because that's what it is. Not the best one in the world, but oh well. I'm still learning. Green Background Tell me what you think of these and if I need to change something. I already now that the Green Background could use something in it, but I just don't know what. Tell me what you think.