Maleficent Dragon Progress

Sorry for neglecting this blog again, but here is something worth waiting for. I want to post the progress of an image that I spent so long on, it actually took most of my day Saturday a few weeks ago. This all started with the movie Maleficent and it grew to what you have below. So I wanted to make a new pointer/cursor pack for my computer and I wanted to make a Maleficent theme. So the first image below is the concept of the pointer (which is black, purple, and green) lighting up pretty much preparing for the "working" stage. Pointer Concept I then had the idea of making it light up like above, turning until the pointer is almost pointing down, bursting into flame, and as the smoke cleared revealing Maleficent in her dragon form, well, the head at least. I looked at a stock image from the results of Google and found this . After looking at it for a while I decided to get to work and came up with this first attempt at the dragon head. Attempt I I felt so proud...