Sorry for neglecting this blog again, but here is something worth waiting for. I want to post the progress of an image that I spent so long on, it actually took most of my day Saturday a few weeks ago. This all started with the movie Maleficent and it grew to what you have below. So I wanted to make a new pointer/cursor pack for my computer and I wanted to make a Maleficent theme. So the first image below is the concept of the pointer (which is black, purple, and green) lighting up pretty much preparing for the "working" stage.
Pointer Concept |
I then had the idea of making it light up like above, turning until the pointer is almost pointing down, bursting into flame, and as the smoke cleared revealing Maleficent in her dragon form, well, the head at least. I looked at a stock image from the results of Google and found
this. After looking at it for a while I decided to get to work and came up with this first attempt at the dragon head.
Attempt I |
I felt so proud of what I had accomplished, but then I looked again at the stock that I'm basing this on, and it doesn't even look anything like the stock image. I was disappointed since I've never done anything this extensive or detailed before and I didn't really want to spend too much time on it. I almost just left the project, but then decided to try and continue and see where it goes. I gave the head an extreme makeover by cutting the snout to make it shorter so as to leave room for the point, re-doing the eyes completely, adding the nostrils, taking away the horns and teeth, opening the mouth a bit more and working on the mouth part. After quite a bit of work is what you have below.
Attempt II |
Oh much better!! I was feeling great now since I wasn't trying to do this by memory anymore. I then looked at my image again and saw that the dragon looked too...friendly. I noticed that the eyes weren't positioned right so I had to polish them up a bit to make them look a bit meaner and then move them a bit to have them in the right position. I also re-did the nostrils to make them look better and more realistic. I then added the horns and they look much better than before! When I was inserting the teeth, I noticed that the snout was too long. I didn't want to take more time trying to re-adjust the snout and mouth to be shorter, so I just added an extra tooth. I then added the grey lines for detail and depth and that was hard to get right. Trial and error, and after 3 times (which is the charm) I got them looking right with the right blending. I also added the head fins on the sides which are transparent so if I put a background with it it would interact with it. Here is the product after the major additions and makeover.
Attempt III and Final |
At this point I was not thinking of making the pointer pack anymore and just wanted to make the dragon so I added the body for kicks.
Dragon I |
This is as far as I've gotten currently. With school going again it will be hard for me to re-visit this project, but I hope to be able to soon. This has been fun and a huge learning experience for me. I hope you enjoy the progress that I've made and this ultra long post of mine. Take care and I'll see you next time I have something new.
P.S. You will see more on this project by the way so don't worry, it's not over yet.
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