Rocket from Little Einsteins

With Thanksgiving being less than a week away, it is a good time to reflect and think about what you are thankful for. I'm thankful for my family most of all, and something that they love is watching TV. One show in particular they love is the Disney show Little Einsteins. I decided I'd make Rocket from Little Einsteins, based on this image, as well as a version that is a coloring page sort of thing. On here though, I'll just showcase the fully colored and shaded version (the coloring page version is on Instagram). So without further ado, here is Rocket!

I started out with the outline, making different layers for different sections so that I can make a crude outline, and refine it section by section as I went. I then colored in each piece on different layers, so that I can do further adjustments. I then made the darker lines on the hull, and extended the windows down a bit. I then worked on shading, and it took a long time to shade since there are many shapes and areas I wanted shaded differently. Overall, this project took the longest on my blog, spanning a few hours for a few days. Yes, this took longer than Desolation. Enjoy, and have a Happy Thanksgiving!


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