From Bad, to Amazing

The title is something that I haven't really done here, which is a title that isn't the title of the image at all. Don't worry, I'll go on to my old ways here in the next post, unless you guys like the interesting titles. We shall see what happens. So I was thinking of what to do for a new image, and I thought, why not resurrect my very first image that I made on Paint.NET, which I called Divided. Now, this image is the worst image I have on here, at least one of my worst, since it was when I first started and didn't know what I was doing. I have since gotten better as you can see, and am wanting to show what I can do. Anyhow, I wanted to do something with this image so that I can compare them side by side, and show myself how far I've come in 9 years or so. To give you perspective, here is my first image called Divided. Not the best, lots of dark areas, and not many effects. I was a senior in High School since it was created back in September of 2009. So...