Spring Flowers

Spring is nearly here, which means warmer weather is on its way. I'm excited about that since I would really like to start riding my bike again and doing other outdoor activities. I looked on Google for spring color palettes to get some ideas on what colors to use, and I found this one that I'll be using (thanks Google). So without much else to say, here is Spring Flowers.

I took some green and made a bit of the background using Radial Blur, and then I tried making a green flower-like design, but in the end I didn't keep it. I then used the pink from the color palette and made the outlines of it. I then made the flower design with pink. I then added a lighter green to brighten the image up.

I hope everyone is excited about the warm weather coming, and especially spring. It is one of the most beautiful times of year with all sorts of flowers and colors. As always, take care and I'll see you here soon.


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