
Showing posts from June, 2020


Spring has come and gone, and summer is starting to take hold of the northern hemisphere. I did skip spring in my images I realize, so to make up for it, I went back and created spring in an image. I pretty much did the exact same thing I did with Mystic Rosettes as I did with this one, which is start with some color in the middle and expand out, but obviously with different colors. I also had a completely different outcome than what I initially thought, but I think it came out great. Here is Lifeforce. I initially just started with the green color, and expanded it out to where it shows on the outside with Dents, Radial Blur, Polar Inversion, and Gaussian Blur. I then did the Color Flip/Rotate effect in the middle green area and changed it to blue. I then expanded that out with Polar Inversion, and Radial Blur. I then did some rotations, and used Overlay, Color Dodge, Darken, Glow, Lighten, Additive, and Screen layer blend modes to blend the colors together and make some pop a bit...

Name Change and New Page

Just a bit of information for you guys, I decided to go ahead and change the name of the blog to match my Facebook and Instagram pages. Blog from now on will be titled Julio PDN Pics. I also replaced the Pictures page with a page that has a link to my new Portfolio. I hope you enjoy that gallery more than the pictures page that used to be here. For one thing, it looks so much better than the old way I had here, so it’s far more aesthetically pleasing. I'll have an image again for you guys soon. Thank you for your patience while I figure things out with the recent trials I've been going through. These times are difficult for sure and I hope everyone is staying safe.