Welcome Home

Hey there everyone, I'm feeling pretty happy and a bit nostalgic. A bit random, but hopefully you don't mind. So at work, I was in a meeting, and saw a chart that had a very cool color palette, so I took a screenshot of the color palette, and decided to use it for art. The art that I used it for was this one, and when I looked at it when it was complete, I pretty much saw a very inviting and warm image. Made me think of home when I was a kid, very warm and inviting, which is why I have titled it Welcome Home. I started with some color going across the screen from the palette, some dark red, lighter red, and orange. I then distorted them all with Gaussian Blur, Dents, and Radial Blur, changing the center with each color. I then added blue on the right and did the same effects. I then added yellow toward the middle, applied the same effects, but duplicated it before applying the Radial Blur so that I could have a bit of a "sun" toward the middle which I made with Zoom B...