Evening Horizon

So I'm not sure entirely what I did with this image since I started it way back in June of 2021. Nor did I know what I was thinking, but I just left it as a work in progress until now. I was looking through my images that I have as works in progress, and decided I'd finish this one real quick. When completed, I saw that it looked like a sunset, a super pretty one when the clouds are in the right places in the sky, and the sun reflects just right. I knew then that I needed to title this one Evening Horizon. Based on what I know of the layer titles, I used Gaussian Blur, Dents, Radial Blur, and Zoom Blur to make the base of the image. After I was happy with the colors and positions of everything, I flattened the image, copied it, and pasted it on a few layers. I guess I didn't know what to do at that point, since I left it forever, and I re-did the flattening, copying, and pasting of the image. I then applied Radial Blur and Polar Inversion to some of the full layers as well ...