Interdimensional Rift

I've been getting bad about posting, but hopefully the images have been worth the wait. Work and the home life have been taking up a lot of energy, so I haven't been able to make as much art at the same pace as before, but glad I've been getting things out there here and there this year. This one is titled Interdimensional Rift. This image is interesting since I typically start with some color on the canvas, but I instead started with some red gradients. I found that it made a pretty cool design when I applied the Radial Blur effect, so I continued with that with the blue color. I then applied Gaussian Blur on a new layer and dents to add some texture, then on a duplicated layer, I applied more Radial Blur and used the lighten blend mode. I did this more or less for both colors, then I flattened it and copied the flattened image, undid the flattening, and added the full image to a new layer. I then applied Polar Inversion on a duplicated layer of the full image, and then ap...