Murky Swamps

The final version of this image is not what I was going for, just throwing that out there. What I was trying to go for, was an image that had some green, and then the yellow would make it bright and happy. Instead, it turned out dark and mysterious, with a bit of orange in there. I was distorting the yellow part first, making it bright and filling up the canvas, then I did the green. After I changed one layer's blend mode properties, the bright image I was hoping for was gone forever. I liked the darker look of it, so I went with it, and here I present the image I titled Murky Swamps

Radial Blur, Kaleidoscope, Polar Inversion, Dents, Zoom Blur, and a few other effects were used here, but the biggest thing that gave the image the dark, almost "murky" feel, was the layer blend modes. One was set to Difference (making the image darker), while the other was set to Color Burn (giving the orange color on some of the dents). I may try to make another green image with yellow and make it bright, but for now, this is the result I got. Thanks for your support, and I'll talk to you guys here in the next post.


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