Happy Holidays

Happy holidays to everyone! Since Christmas is upon us, my sister wanted to make a Christmas ornament on Paint.NET, so I made one to show her how to make one, and I thought to keep it and share it on here. If you look at some older posts, you can find how I did most of the effects since I put it on here a while ago, probably at least 2 or 3 years ago, but don't quote me on that. Here it is.

I've also decided to make something else other than just an ornament, so I made an image that I call Holiday Lights. I have two different versions that I like so I will post them on here and see which one you guys like. Personally, I like the second one, but both have qualities that I like about them. Here they are.

Holiday Lights II

Holiday Lights III
Yes, they are called II and III respectively since I made a first version but it had a bit too much green in it for my liking. The third version also has a bit too much green, but it looks brighter and that's the main reason why I like it as much as I do. The second version has more balance between red and green and the center looks warmer so hence I can't decide which version of the two above I like the best. If any of you want to leave comments on what you like the best, that would be great! Enjoy the images and Happy Holidays to all.


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