Element 3 of 8

Element 3 of 8, Air, likes change, playful, loves to see the big picture, but erratic sometimes.

Welcome back to the third installment of this 8 series elemental images, the Elemental Power of Air. I made this one in stages. I finished it a while back, but then as I was making and tweaking next weeks element and looked at this one again, I thought it needed more than what I had put into it, so I tweaked it some more. It was hard to get the colors and blend modes right, but I think I have depicted what air would be like if you could see it, bright, playful, and full of color.

I have about the same kind of stuff going on here, but I have the focal point in the center, and green for a playful/garden sort of feel, as well as blue for the sky. The white just adds some light and sort of "power" to the image per say. I used basically the same stuff that I used for the last few elements, but I tried to limit my use of Radial Blur Deluxe. I hope you all enjoyed and join me next week for yet another element.

Hint: It sustains life, yet can destroy objects.


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