Death's Flower

I was wanting to make a dark image this time since I make a lot of bright images. I'm sure we all have a time in our lives where it seems that the darkness doesn't allow us to move forward with our lives. Either the death of a loved one, or a breakup, or some other trial that comes our way. I hope that this image can depict what that feels like in an abstract way. I decided to go with my classic black and red for this one and I give you Death's Flower.

Classic effects used are Dents, and Polar Inversion as well as Radial Blur, and some new favorites such as Glass Vignette and Radial Extruder. I started with a Radial Blur, changing the center of said effect a few times, then did the same thing with Polar Inversion later on too. I would then flatten the image, copy that, and then do an effect or two on the full image in a new layer. I would then blend them in with Glow and Difference to keep the dark look. Enjoy this image and I'll see you here again soon.


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