Sandstone Desert

 A few months ago I went back to my hometown for a visit, and it was a fun time. I even got to take my family to a park full of sandstone and it was fun watching my kids explore a bit. The patterns and color of some of the stone down there is always mesmerizing, and it's just a lovely sight to see. I know I made an abstract in the past of sandstone and the patterns that it has, but I took a different approach to this one. Here I give you Sandstone Desert.

I started with the Gran Canaria Gem as my stock image, and went to town with it. After coming round the mountain and getting back home, I got to work manipulating it with Radial Blur. On the duplicate of the gem, I blended it with Color Burn to give it a vibrant and darker color, and did a Radial blur from a different corner. I then merged them down and did another radial blur from a different angle to give it a smooth, yet interesting texture. I then did a Polar Inversion with Gaussian Blur to blur out the inversion part.

I then duplicated the layer, did a Polar Inversion, blurring out the center of the inversion with Gaussian Blur. I then did more Radial Blur for smoothness and additional texture. I blended all of that with Overlay. I hope you enjoyed my image. My first sandstone abstract called Sandstone Patterns can be found here. Have a good day and I hope you enjoyed the month of February.


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