Autumn Leaves

This image is a bit different from what I usually do. I created the background first, which has autumn colors, but it took a slightly different turn than I had anticipated near the beginning. I made a few wisps coming out of the image, which then made it look like a fire image. Not what I was going for, but decided to play with that idea. It wasn't going too well after a bit so I decided to try with the autumn theme that I had originally planned for. I proceeded to make the kaleidoscope design in the middle of the main leaf, and thought about making the leaf outline itself.

I did a quick Google search of leaves, and copied it the best that I could from the image I pulled up. I made half the leaf, made some changes, and then duplicated it and flipped the duplicate vertically. I then decided to create leaves in the background to give it a more fall sort of look. I duplicated the leaf, added veins, and then used the Shift/Rotate tool to create a lot of leaves in the background. Duplicating the layers and flipping them also got me a lot of leaves pretty quick.

I then played around with the blend modes and got the result you see above, a nice autumn image that I'm actually pretty proud of. Took a while to get the leaves looking how I liked, but overall it didn't take too long. I just had to come up with an idea that I liked as well as a background that wasn't too plain, but also didn't look like a warm image. I think I succeeded at that. What do you think? It's more of a real take on autumn since I created leaves and such. I hope you guys have a great autumn and I'll see you here soon.


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