Older Pictures

Here are some of the older things that I've done. They aren't as good as the newer ones that I've done, but oh well. This was back when I still was trying to figure things out on Paint.NET. This first one I made pretty much by accident. I didn't know that it would come out as an eye, but it did. I call this one Eye See You. Kind of a play on words. This next one I didn't really know what else to do. I like how the blue came out, but not how the fire came out. I would have left it without the fire, but oh well. I call it Iced Fire just because I think that's what it looks like. This next one is called Venom just because that shade of green to me looks like poison or something. I almost did call it poison, but decided that venom sounded better. I'd appreciate comments from anyone if they have suggestions, constructive criticism, questions, or just a comment about my art. I hope that what you've seen here so far. More art to come soon!!!