New Pictures!!!

I finally have access to my pictures, but I'll show you some recent ones that I haven't shown before. Two of these are assignments that my friend Trey and I have given each other, and the other one was just for fun!

This first one was an assignment that Trey gave to me. He said to make what I thought it would look like inside an electrical wire or cable. This is what I came up with using my new Lighning effect for the electrical current.

Then after that I gave the assignment to make a picture of what it would look like inside of an atom. I used the Lightning plugin for this one too for almost all of it except for the backlight.

This third and last one, for now, I made without an assignment from Trey or myself. I made a different one but Trey told me that it was too flat and that I needed to change the point of view. In this one I didn't use the Lightning effect, instead I used a gradient and then used the Fire! plugin. I call this one Fire Jolt.

I will be coming out with more pictures soon, probably some old ones, but oh well, they may be ones that you haven't seen!!!


  1. i love the fire bolt picture, i really like what you changed from the original!

  2. im meant fire jolt. nice banner by the way!

  3. Thanks! I'm glad you like it!! It's by far my favorite of all my creations!


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